Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Monday, June 20, 2016

Packing for the Canoe and River Tales Camp

I thought it might be useful to show you how I pack for the canoe and River Tales Camp

I always think I need more clothes than I actually do!  I have to remind my self to stick to the list... and I'm going to ask that you do the same.  


These are all my clothes )- I will put them into 
one gallon plastic bags (I will be wearing my crocs - 
if you are wearing old sneakers as your water shoes,
bring a second small pair of shoes so that you 

have something dry for camp

Don't forget to pack a small bowl and 
spork for breakfast and fireside dinners!

We will be placing much of our clothing, etc.
into these buckets.  

My sleeping supplies are a pad, sleeping bag
(in a compression sac) and a small pillow.

I have my sleeping bag, clothes,
toiletries and bowl/spork in this bucket!

Monday, February 8, 2016

2016 Summer Activities Fair

Join us Friday, February 12th 2015 from 6:00 to 8:00 at the 

Thomas Jefferson Community Center 

for the 

Arlington County Summer Activities Fair

Online registration for SolPlay camps is OPEN!!!!   Registration instructions and camp information can be found by visiting us at www.SolPlay.net or emailing us at info@SolPlay.net

Follow this link for a summary of all the exciting camps offered for the summer of 2015 and the registration forms. We hope you will consider SolPlay when making your selections for summer